Every birth, is a special birth. It’s a time of new beginning, a fresh start, and a deep sense of excitement. Each child, has a place in the world, and a place in God’s Kingdom.
Once, as I’m sure you’ve heard, there was a very special birth. So special in fact, that each detail was planned. Right down to the moment this child was born. From the family tree lining up exactly as needed, an angel visiting the child’s virgin mother to announce that she would be bring this child of God to life and raise him, to a bright star shinning as a beacon of hope and guidance, and special dreams sent for warning, to keep this child safe.
All to fall together, in the perfect time, to have this special child born in a manger. God’s Son, His own child, born into a manger.
This child was born to change the world, speak the word of God, and teach others about kindness and love. It wasn’t where he was born that was important. It was that He WAS born!
During this time of year, many people of faith, all over the world, retell this story. Some may be a little different, as far as who was there, but the meaning is the same. A very special child, the Son of God, was born in the most simple ways.
Our own congregation, dawned masks and halos to represent this birth. All ages took part in the celebration, by coming to the front of the church, wearing their mask, to represent their particular person at the event. From Mary & Joseph, to sheep & camels, and everyone in between!
In a few days, we’ll do it all again, but a little differently. The world will do it all again. All of us, will be looking for the star, to guide us to him. Except this time, there will be no masks, and no manger. There will be our hearts, looking to celebrate this special baby.
His birth, like so many others, was a time of a new beginning, a fresh start, and a deep sense of excitement. Jesus continues to have a special place in the world, and a special place in God’s Kingdom. And, it will be again this year, just as it was the first year.

The Congregation, Youth Choir, and friends of UCBF in our own living nativity scene.