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Latest Past Events
Saxtons River Art Guild – Open Studio
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows FallsThe Saxtons River Art Guild (SRAG) meets each Monday from 9am - 12pm, in Fellowship Hall, for their Open Studio. Bring you art supplies and enjoy coffee, tea, and company (usually some yummy refreshments as well!). For more information, please contact Barbara Greenough
Worship w/ Communion – First Sunday in Lent
UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows FallsFirst Sunday in Lent - Abundant Grace Gen 2:15-17; 3:1-7, Ps 32, Rom 5:12-19, Matt 4:1-11 On the first Sunday of the month, our Worship Service will include Communion. Join us in our breaking of the bread. All are welcome!
Girl Scout Troop #60226 Meeting
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows FallsOn Saturdays the UCBF welcomes local Girl Scout Troop #60226 to hold their meetings full of fun and friendship! If you have a young lady who is interested in joining, please contact the church office (802.463.4323) for more information.