Easter Sunrise Service
Oak Hill Cemetery Birch St, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesWe will be joining the Baptist church, for our annual Easter Sunrise Service at Oak Hill Cemetery in Bellows Falls, VT. This outside service begins at 6:30am, at the gazebo in Oak Hill Cemetery. Please feel free to bring a chair for comfort,
Easter Sunday Family Service
United Church of Bellows Falls 8 SCHOOL ST. , BELLOWS FALLS, VT, United StatesPlease join us for our Easter Sunday Family Worship, and celebrate the rising of Jesus! Service begins at 10am (no Sunday School on this day), at the UCBF.
Bereavement Group
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesWe have brought back our bi-weekly bereavement group for those who need support through grieving a loss. On Mondays, at 12pm, Brattleboro Area Hospice will be here to meet as a group, for support. If you're interested in joining, please feel free to
Private Event
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesThe UCBF will be closed to the public today, as there will be a private event being held. Would you like to rent the Fellowship Hall, for your own event? Contact Liz, in the church office for details! 463-4323
Bereavement Group
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesWe have brought back our bi-weekly bereavement group for those who need support through grieving a loss. On Mondays, at 12pm, Brattleboro Area Hospice will be here to meet as a group, for support. If you're interested in joining, please feel free to
WIC Clinic
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesThe Springfield VT WIC office (Women Infant Children) holds a clinic for the Bellows Falls area. This program is to assist those who are pregnant, and/or have children under the age of 5, with nutritious foods. They meet one Wednesday a month, at
UCBF Women’s Fellowship
Once a month, the Women's Fellowship of the United Church of Bellows Falls gathers together. Typically, on the 3rd Thursday of each month, all members of the United Church of Bellows Falls, are welcome to come together as a group. At these meetings
Fabulous Family Friday
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesOne Friday each month, we welcome you to join us for our Fabulous Family Friday get together! Families (and friends) are invited to come together for an evening of movies, snacks, and socializing. Treats, and beverages will be served, and children are welcome
Private Event
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesThe UCBF will be closed to the public today, as there will be a private event being held. Would you like to rent the Fellowship Hall, for your own event? Contact Liz, in the church office for details! 463-4323
Consensus Meeting
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesThe UCBF will be having the second of its Consensus Meetings. This meeting will take the place of our traditional monthly board meetings, and gather them all into one day and time. There will be a pot luck, following worship, to get things
1st Annual UCBF Ice Cream Social
UCBF Front Lawn 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesFor the Friday before Rockingham Old Home Days, the UCBF will be hosting our very first (of many!) Ice Cream Socials! Join us, on the front lawn of the church, for ice cream sundaes and a visits with friends! We start dishing at
Sunday Worship by the Deacons
UCBF SanctuaryWhile our Pastor Alison is away, our Board of Deacons will be leading worship this Sunday!
Yankee Male Chorus Concert
UCBF SanctuaryIn the evening, of August 10th, please join us as we once again are able to hear the sounds of the Yankee Male Chorus in our sanctuary! The Yankee Male Chorus will being their concert at 7:30pm. No tickets are necessary, though a
Sunday Service with Rev. Roger Brown
UCBF SanctuaryWhile our own Pastor Alison is away, we will have our service lead by Rev. Roger Brown. Rev. Brown, has lead our services several times in the past, and has graciously offered to again! Thank you, Rev. Brown, for sharing your sermon
WIC Clinic
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesThe Springfield VT WIC office (Women Infant Children) holds a clinic for the Bellows Falls area. This program is to assist those who are pregnant, and/or have children under the age of 5, with nutritious foods. They meet one Wednesday a month, at
Monthly Consensus Meeting
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United StatesThe UCBF will be having the second of its Consensus Meetings. This meeting will take the place of our traditional monthly board meetings, and gather them all into one day and time. There will be a pot luck, following worship, to get things