Latest Past Events

Stations of the Cross

UCBF Sanctuary

On Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, we will be having self guided Journey to Calvary/ Stations of the Cross in the sanctuary. The sanctuary will be open from 12pm - 4pm on Good Friday, and again on Holy Saturday from 10am - 2pm. Please feel free

Stations of the Cross

UCBF Sanctuary

On Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, we will be having self guided Journey to Calvary/ Stations of the Cross in the sanctuary. The sanctuary will be open from 12pm - 4pm on Good Friday, and again on Holy Saturday from 10am - 2pm. Please feel free

Maundy Thursday Service

UCBF Sanctuary

Maundy Thursday is the Christian holy day, falling on the Thursday before Easter. It commemorates the Maundy (foot washing), and Last Supper of Jesus with the Apostles. Please join us, as we celebrate this holy day! Service starts at 6pm, all are welcome.