Worship Service – Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

UCBF Sanctuary

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - Wheat and Weeds Together Gen 28: 10-19a and Ps 139: 1-12, 23-24; Wisd of Sol 12: 13, 16-19 or Isa 44: 6-8 and Ps 86: 11-17; Rom 8: 12-25; Matt 13: 24-30, 36-43 Join us on Sunday mornings,

Berean Bible Study

UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Join our weekly Berean Bible Study Group, 1pm at UCBF. All are welcome, and we look forward to having you!

Saxtons River Art Guild – Workshop

UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United States

More information coming soon, but be sure to mark your calendars for this special event!

Worship Service – Eighth Sunday after Pentecost

UCBF Sanctuary

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost - Weaving the Future Gen 29: 15-28 and Ps 105: 1-11, 45b or Ps 128; 1 Kings 3: 5-12 and Ps 119: 129-136; Rom 8: 26-39; Matt 13: 31-33, 44-52 Join us on Sunday mornings, for our weekly worship

Berean Bible Study

UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Join our weekly Berean Bible Study Group, 1pm at UCBF. All are welcome, and we look forward to having you!


UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United States

Al - Anon meets on the odd numbered months, on the fourth Tuesday. Fellowship Hall, from 6:30 - 8pm

Worship Service w/ Communion – Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

UCBF Sanctuary

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - Face to Face Gen 32: 22-31 and Ps 17: 1-7, 15; Isa 55: 1-5 and Ps 145: 8-9, 14-21; Rom 9: 1-5; Matt 14: 13-21 On the first Sunday of the month, our Worship Service will include Communion.

Berean Bible Study

UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Join our weekly Berean Bible Study Group, 1pm at UCBF. All are welcome, and we look forward to having you!

Worship Service – Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

UCBF Sanctuary

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - When All Seems Lost Gen 37: 1-4, 12-28 and Ps 105: 1-6, 16-22, 45b; 1 Kings 19: 9-18 and Ps 85: 8-13; Rom 10: 5-15; Matt 14: 22-33 Join us on Sunday mornings, for our weekly worship service.

Berean Bible Study

UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Join our weekly Berean Bible Study Group, 1pm at UCBF. All are welcome, and we look forward to having you!

Worship Service – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

UCBF Sanctuary

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - Bold Moves Gen 45: 1-15 and Ps 133; Isa 56: 1, 6-8 and Ps 67; Rom 11: 1-2a, 29-32; Matt 15: (10-20), 21-28 Join us on Sunday mornings, for our weekly worship service. Fellowship time, with light refreshments,

Berean Bible Study

UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Join our weekly Berean Bible Study Group, 1pm at UCBF. All are welcome, and we look forward to having you!

WIC Clinic

UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT, United States

The Springfield VT WIC office (Women Infant Children)  holds a clinic for the Bellows Falls area. This program is to assist those who are pregnant, and/or have children under the age of 5, with nutritious foods. They meet one Wednesday a month, at

Worship Service – Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost

UCBF Sanctuary

Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - Be Transformed Ex 1: 8-2: 10 and Ps 124; Isa 5: 1-6 and Ps 138; Rom 12: 1-8; Matt 16: 13-20 Join us on Sunday mornings, for our weekly worship service. Fellowship time, with light refreshments, follows service.

Berean Bible Study

UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows Falls, VT

Join our weekly Berean Bible Study Group, 1pm at UCBF. All are welcome, and we look forward to having you!

Worship Service – Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

UCBF Sanctuary

Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Spirit-Led Living Ex 3: 1-15 and Ps 105: 1-6, 23-26, 45b; Jer 15: 15-21 and Ps 26: 1-8; Rom 12: 9-21; Matt 16: 21-28 Join us on Sunday mornings, for our weekly worship service. Fellowship time, with light