Latest Past Events
Saxtons River Art Guild – Open Studio
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows FallsThe Saxtons River Art Guild (SRAG) meets each Monday from 9am - 12pm, in Fellowship Hall, for their Open Studio. Bring you art supplies and enjoy coffee, tea, and company (usually some yummy refreshments as well!). For more information, please contact Barbara Greenough
Worship Service – Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
UCBF 8 School Street, Bellows FallsFifth Sunday after Epiphany - Restoring Beauty Isa 58:1-9a (9b-12), Ps 112:1-9 (10), I Cor 2:1-12 (13-16), Matt 5:13-20 Join us on Sunday mornings, for our weekly worship service. Fellowship time, with light refreshments, follows service. All are welcome, and we are looking forward
Girl Scout Troop #60226 Meeting
UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows FallsOn Saturdays the UCBF welcomes local Girl Scout Troop #60226 to hold their meetings full of fun and friendship! If you have a young lady who is interested in joining, please contact the church office (802.463.4323) for more information.