Latest Past Events

Monthly Consensus Meeting

UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls

The UCBF will be having the second of its Consensus Meetings. This meeting will take the place of our traditional monthly board meetings, and gather them all into one day and time. There will be a pot luck, following worship, to get things

WIC Clinic

UCBF Fellowship Hall 8 School Street, Bellows Falls

The Springfield VT WIC office (Women Infant Children)  holds a clinic for the Bellows Falls area. This program is to assist those who are pregnant, and/or have children under the age of 5, with nutritious foods. They meet one Wednesday a month, at

Sunday Service with Rev. Roger Brown

UCBF Sanctuary

While our own Pastor Alison is away, we will have our service lead by Rev. Roger Brown. Rev. Brown, has lead our services several times in the past, and has graciously offered to again!   Thank you, Rev. Brown, for sharing your sermon