Older and wiser voices can help you find the right path, if you are only willing to listen. –Jimmy Buffett
Our little church is going through some pretty big changes. We’re in the middle of a transitional period. It’s time to look at where we’ve been, to figure out what direction we want to go.
How does a congregation make these types of changes? Who, exactly, is responsible for these changes? What happens next?
Change can make people uncomfortable, even overwhelmed. But,when taking things step by step, we’ll find that growth brings changes, and those can be for the positive if we look back at where we’ve been.
Throughout the years, there have been changes that have brought some positive pieces to the congregation, as well as some not so positive pieces. What was once three smaller congregations, became one larger congregational family. Over time we have gone through times of growth, and times of loss. Each individual, and family, have had their own personal milestones in this church.
It wasn’t only the congregation that went through some changes, either! In the early 1980’s, this very building was rebuilt. While the walls are new, the heart of the church, its congregation, is a blend of past & present.
What does a time of transition mean? To start, we have to come together, to plan for the future. Just as you would plan the best for the future of your own family, the parish is looking to plan the best for the church and its family.
It’s time to look at the history of the three churches that made up this church, as well as the history of this church, and see what direction we should move, for the future. We’re very lucky, to have members that have been part of this church for many years, who are our connections with the past. We also have young families, and new members, that are now the future of the parish.
A few weeks ago, we all sat together over a pizza dinner, to look at a giant timeline along the backside of the Fellowship Hall. On that timeline, there was key points in world history marked, as well as key points in our church’s history marked. We then added our own key points, as well as some thoughts of what we thought were key points in church history. At our next meeting, we’re going to be taking this information, and looking at what we positive change we want to happen in the years to come.
Displayed on a table, in the corner was a quilt. In 1884, a quilt was made, that was to be given to Reverend Alfred A. Dascomb and his wife to honor their leadership, and service to the church. This quilt has 992 names, delicately written on it, from the present (at the time) and past congregation members, along with the names of previous pastorates throughout New England. This is the past, where this parish has been.
Now, is our time to listen to the past, and add our own thoughts and experiences, to start taking the steps to growing and changing our parish, together.

Dascomb Memorial Quilt