Alison Head ShotRev. Pam Lucas, Associate Conference Minister for Vermont, attended our worship service on Sunday, June 12th, to bring greetings from the Conference and to welcome and bless the ministry of Rev. Alison Andrea Jacobs who began her ministry here at UCBF on November 1, 2015.

After worship, Rev. Lucas conducted a workshop to train those in attendance about the duties and responsibilities of the Pastoral Relations Committee.

Those in attendance were given a clear overview if the workings of a classic PRC and were furnished with appropriate resources to use as they begin their terms on July 1, 2016.

An Introduction to the “Congregational Conversations” that will comprise our work during the transitional period was held on Sunday, June 26th following worship. A Pot-luck luncheon was shared, and then the workshop began with a “setting of the table.” A trash bag, a dish-towel, a Bible, a lit candle, and a blank copy of “Telling Our Story” were placed on the table to symbolize what will be needed as we move forward with our work.

IMG_0640-sqThose there were invited to break into smaller groups and tell their own stories in several different ways.

The next meeting is TBA as we must await the formal appointment of the five-member “Transitional Guidance Team” at our quarterly Council Meeting on July 19th at 7:00pm. There are six Congregational Conversations which will be held throughout this process—stay tuned for updates on this important time in our church’s life.